About The Founder

My Mission:
TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE by Touching Hearts, Spreading Smiles and Contributing to Peace in the World thru Art and Creativity.
“Transformation” is the essence of my artistic growth.
As a child ~ I was never without a crayon in my hand.
As an adult ~ the Butterfly is my signature, symbol, and spirit of my ever-evolving journey.
Although fantasy, my art is the reality of my life’s experiences, and each piece that I create…often through my “Visual Journaling” has its own personal message:
I invite you to come fly with me.
~ Laurel
"I AM an artist. I AM here to live OUT LOUD." ~ Emile Zola
Laurel is a California native, award winning artist, published writer, and the owner of Laurel-Creations.com. Her life intention is to make a difference in the world by touching hearts and spreading peace. She especially enjoys sharing her love of art with her three “kidults”, four young grandchildren, and through teaching and working with other children.
Throughout her career, she worked as Managing Director of 20th Century Props Special Events Company, Vice President of Creative Affairs and Special Projects for Masini Television & Film Industries, and managed several Art Galleries in the greater Los Angeles Area.
Her work has been exhibited and collected in many well-known art enclaves, featured in major motion pictures and television shows, and is collected by art lovers all around the globe. She has painted murals, decorated both commercial and private interiors, and painted a 25-ft. mural for The Help Group in Los Angeles.
She has written five scripts, a children's book and other stories. Laurel attended the John Herron Art Institute, the University of Missouri and the Kansas City Art Institute.
Ms. Rosenberg was a recipient of the Hallmark Art Award, founder of “Survivors Against Violent Encounters,” and a Board Member for “Artists and Musicians for World Peace.
Education: John Herron Art Institute & Kansas City Art Institute